Step 5: STEM showcase Evidence of pupils presenting their Science work to others in the school or online showcase over Zoom
During our Engineers week 2nd - 4th class and 5th and 6th class took part in a zoom to showcase the experiments they carried out. The Senior classes 5th and 6th showed all the different landmarks they made using spaghetti and marshmallows as well as their egg drop challenge. The middle classes 2nd - 4th showed the boats they made from different recyclable materials and tested their boats in front of the other classes to see if they would sink or float. We finished our engineers day by taking part in a joint zoom science quiz!
Step 5: STEM Showcase
Evidence of pupils presenting their Science work to others in the school or online e.g digital showcase over Zoom
We took part in the STEPS Young Engineers Award. Each group developed an engineering project that would help improve our local community. We invited two engineers, Fiona and Paul, to virtually visit our classroom for a showcase of our designs. Through Zoom, each group presented their project and evaluated the engineering process. Fiona and Paul gave valuable feedback to the groups and explained a little bit about life as an engineer.
The children were extremely excited for the Engineers' Zoom Showcase. The act of presenting to an outside agency motivated the groups to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their design, to organise themselves and to rehearse the presentation of their project. Presenting to two engineers helped the class to view their project through an engineer's eyes which in turn helped the evaluation of their project. The children knew that they would have to be clear and precise when presenting their design and this encouraged them to rehearse and develop their presentation skills. The added element of knowing two engineers would ask questions about their designs meant that every group member needed to know the project inside out - no room for any bystanders! It was a fantastic experience that helped to deepen the children's learning and elevate the entire engineering process.