We had a Slogan and Poster competition where the children in all classes were invited to write a slogan and design a poster with our slogan on it. The winning slogan was 'Don't Sit! Be Fit!'. The winning poster with this slogan is displayed in all classes as a reminder to keep active.
Active Committee
Each year, an active committee is elected from the student population. The Active Committee are responsible for making decisions, sharing ideas and opinions and leading activities. They meet regularly to work on the our active school.
Class reps
Each class from 1st to 6th class has a representative that sits on the Active Committee. They are responsable for leading active schools within their class and are a voice for all children in their class.
PE Equipment Monitors
Our PE equipment monitor looks after our PE shed. They make sure that all the equipment is put back and stored correctly. They check that all equipment is in working order.
Active Line Leaders
Our Active Line Leaders are in charge of leading and encouraging physical activity after break times when the classes are lining up to go back into their classrooms.
Afterschool clubs
We are lucky to have an extensive range of afterschool clubs and activities. These include: -GAA -Soccer -Playball -Drama, Dance and Singing
Orienteering Ireland
As a school, we work with Orienteering Ireland. Orienteering Ireland deliver workshops to the children in our school, where they learn skills such as map reading. Children in 5th and 6th classes also take part in the Leinster Schools Orienteering League.
The FAI worked with our school to deliver Futsal workshops to the children in our class. They also provided training to the staff in our school. Staff were provided with lesson ideas and plans so that the children could be taught a six week Futsal Programme.
Our school work in partnership with local GAA coaches. Coaches visit our school to train is in how to play Gaelic football. Many of the children in our school play for local GAA clubs.