Stay connected with all the fun activities of our 1st and 2nd classes below.
December 2024
We’ve had a fun month in 1st and 2nd class! We started off this month by beginning our practice for our Christmas play “The Sleepy Shepherd”!! We have had great fun practicing for our performance and created a fantastic show which we performed for our parents on our last day of term! We all worked so hard on this show and we are so happy to have all of our hard work pay off!
In art this month we created snowmen using clay. We enjoyed creating our snowmen and manipulating the clay to create fun additional features such as hats and candy canes!
For geography this month we learned about various Christmas traditions across the world and in particular in Ukraine where they create Christmas spiders to decorate their trees. It is believed the spider webs on trees are the origin of where tinsel was created!
This month our class also visited the Fighting Words workshop in Dublin! We all worked together as a team to create a fantastic story which was turned into a book! We all had a great day and brought back so many ideas to the classroom!
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
November 2024
November has been a busy month for us here in 1st and 2nd Class!
November brought the celebration of Diwali and in 1st and 2ndclass we learned all about the Festival of Lights and we even created our very own lanterns in honour of the festival!
We were very lucky this month to have Winnie take us out to plant our Daffodil bulbs around the new tree in the garden. We all had the opportunity to plant our own bulb and we can’t wait to see them bloom in the Spring.
This month we also learned about the artist Paul Klee and the technique of ‘printing’. We all had fun finding different objects around the classroom and exploring what shape they printed on the paper using paint! In art we also combined Science and Art and explored the method of Oil Marbling! We had great fun combining food colouring with oil and water and seeing the fun and vast creations on a piece of card.
We also joined the nationwide initiative of Picker Pals! We are very excited to begin using our litter pickers around our new school and keep it clean for the animals! We have begun practicing for our Christmas play ‘The Sleepy Shepard’. We have been very busy practicing with Junior and Senior Infants, and we cannot wait to showcase our hard work for our parents in a couple of weeks’ time!
October 2024
We have had a great month of October here in 1st and 2nd class this month!!
This month we have been learning all about Autumn and changes that happen during this time of year. We learned that Scarecrows are used to scare crows away from the crops about to be harvested. From this, we made our very own scarecrows using burlap and a variety of fabric for their clothes. They turned out very scary for crows!
This month we also celebrated Jersey Day in aid of GOAL! The children wore a wide variety of jerseys to school and we had immense fun learning about where the jerseys are from and how far away from Dunboyne each Jersey was!
This month we also celebrated Maths Week. We would like to thank Mr Lowe for organizing a fun-filled week! Our favourite activities of the week were pairing up with our Buddies from other classes to create ‘Shape Monsters’ and also when Junior and Senior Infants joined us in our classroom to compete in a Blooket Quiz! We also began using the Chromebooks in class and explored and played on Numbots! We certainly loved Maths Week!! This week we saw the return of the Spooky Walk and Teacher and SNA Creepy Crawly Challenge! We had so much fun seeing all of our wonderful costumes and thoroughly enjoyed our Haunted Classroom! Well done to to everyone who carved a pumpkin for the competition they were all amazing!
September 2024 This month has been very busy in 1st and 2nd! We are so thrilled to be in our new school and classroom and have settled in so well. We love our new facilities, in particular, our school hall and library!
We enjoy our weekly visits to the library to pick our new book to read in school. We have also enjoyed welcoming some children from Sonas and Spraoi who join us during our reading time!
This month in Maths, we learned all about 2D shapes! We revised the 2D shapes we knew and learned how many sides and corners they have! We had great fun finding all the 2D shapes around the classroom and also got to make our own 2D shapes using lollipop sticks!
Our favourite time of the day in our class is our social time when we arrive into school in the morning. We use this time to practice our fine and gross motor skills while catching up with our friends. We love when the children from Spraoi join us at this time and play with us in our classroom!
March 2024 We did a really cool experiment in our class as part of Engineers Week. It was called Blasting Balloons and explains why Ms. Flynn spent ages blowing up balloons in the morning. We thought we were going to have a party in class! This experiment was nearly as good though. We all got a chance to try it out and all we had to do was hit the balloon with our hand. First time we hit it gently to see how far it would move through the air. Then, the second time we had to hit the balloon as hard as we could to see how much further it would move. We were amazed to see that no matter how hard we hit the balloon, it moved no further. Ms. Flynn explained that the friction between the air and the balloon means it won't travel as far, no matter how hard we hit it.
February 2024
This month our school took part in Friendship February. It is an initiative run by Special Olympics Ireland and encourages us all to be kind and look out for our fellow pupils. In 1st and 2nd class we all decided to do at least two friendship actions each day. These could have been as simple as holding a door open for a classmate when we saw they had a big heavy bag to carry, or maybe even just lending someone a pencil in class. Like the Random Acts of Kindness we did a few years ago, for the school's Amber Flag, we didn't look for thanks for our actions. We just did them to be friendly. Everybody in the school filled out a form to list some of our kind deeds and with them hanging on the class wall, it's nice reminder of what a great school St. Peter's is.
January 2024 We had a busy first month of the new year in 1st and 2nd class. As well as learning lots of new things in class, we also found time for some much needed mindfulness with Úna Curran. She taught her more about how to do story massage and we practiced in pairs.
February 2023
St.Brigid's Day marks the start of Spring which we are all happy to see! We enjoyed tuning in to a live zoom with an Irish storyteller to tell us more about the story of St.Brigid. We made St.Brigid cloaks using a weaving techinique with loads of bright coloured paper and card. We enjoyed making and decorating heart-shaped tealight holders with clay to give to someone we love for Valentines Day. Our theme in SESE this month was sound and you can see some pictures of us testing out different ways of making sounds and exploring high and low sounds with water and glasses.
Pancake Day with the PTA
January 2023
Our topic this month in SESE was weather. The children in 1st & 2nd completed various projects testing the temperature at different times of the day and in different areas of the school. We learned about some important scientists in weather and how their inventions are used today. Have a look at some of our art pieces from this month as well as some amazing creations using our Octoplay and cubes in the morning.
December 2022
What a fun-filled month we had here in our classroom. Some of the children took part in the school staring contest which happened in each class on the run up the Christmas fair. We have some pictures of the contestants in 1st & 2nd class along with the many pairs of eyes looking out for who was going to blink first. The lucky winner won an advent calendar with some chocolates to put inside it. We were working on procedural writing in class this term and decided to write instructions on how we make hot chocolate, we had discussed the various ways people make and enjoy their hot chocolate and wrote down our recipes with pictures for the steps. All of this talk about hot chocolate was worth it when we filled up our class reward chart for December and earned a hot chocolate party!! After our hard work this term, we were so lucky to have a pizza party which was enjoyed by the whole school.
November 2022
This month in 1st & 2nd class we have been learning about static electricity. We used balloons, rubbed them against our jumpers and investigated whether various objects would be moved or could be stuck to the balloon with the static electricity created by friction. There was great excitement talking about the run up to the Late Late Toy Show, we guessed what the theme might be for the show as well as what designs might feature on Ryan Tubridy's Christmas jumper. We decided to design our own Christmas jumpers and there were some very creative ideas in our class.
October 2022
Another exciting and busy month here in 1st & 2nd class! We loved using the fallen leaves for two different art lessons at the beginning of the month. You might see them hanging in our classroom in some of the photos as well as us using them to make autumn wreaths.
We were so lucky to have two visitors this month. Melanie from Reptile Haven came in with all of her amazing reptiles and we learned a bit about all of them. We were all so brave and got to feed and hold them! We also had a lovely visit from Una who brought us into a world of Zen with calming stretches, meditation and storytelling.
During Math's week, we engaged in fun learning activities and did lots of teamwork with it! Take a look at the Math's week page for more photos. We did a fun Halloween themed experiment where we made Halloween ghosts! When the vinegar and baking soda mix in the bottle it quickly foams up with carbon dioxide gas which blows up the balloon attached to the top of the bottle. Our classroom was filled with Skeletons, Marvel characters, Clowns and many more spooky costumes for our last day before Mid-term and Halloween. We braved the spooky walk through the church graveyard where 5th & 6th class students gave us a jump and scare. Check out the PTA page for pictures from our spooky walk!
September 2022
We have had an amazing start to the school year here in 1st and 2nd class! We are really enjoying our classes every week with Stephen from Music Generation learning how to play the Ukulele. We have been celebrating Roald Dahl this month and have loved reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine'. On September 13th we celebrated Roald Dahl day by following a "marvellous" experiment making lava lamps using just a few ingredients. We wrote up our experiment for anyone who would like to make them at home! In class, we have been sharing our favourite things about Autumn and we are all looking forward to watching the leaves change colour and fall off the trees... and Halloween of course!