Step 3 - Engineering Organise an event during Engineer's week or use the Engineers Week classroom pack
As part of Engineers week Junior Infants - 1st class took part in various science experiments from the classroom pack. We practiced the experiments in our classroom first to make sure we had enough equipment/apparatus/ingredients. We got into 5 groups and we invited the parents into the school yard at collection time. We carried out each of the experiments in front of the parents and even got some parents involved in the activities. The pupils absolutely loved performing in front of the parents and were so good at explaining what was happening in each of the experiments. The parents were thrilled with the opportunity to see what the pupils have been doing and to actually see the learning face to face for the first time in nearly two years. It was a really enjoyable experience for all involved.
Step 3: Engineering Design and make activities e.g. making models - design a rocket
In Junior - 1st Class our Aistear topic for the month of January was all about Space. As part of our green schools we are aiming to reduce, re-use and re-cycle and so we have been collecting objects from home and around the school for our junk art. Pupils had to design their own rockets to take into Space. At first we designed our rockets using pieces of paper. Next we planned what we were going to do and gathered our materials. The next part was the fun part - making our models! When we were finished we decorated them and in our Aistear review we showed off our rockets to our class!!